Books & Magazines


There are some books that I've read that are in the ALA list like To Kill a Mockingbird, Beloved, The Kite Runner, The Hunger Games, Twilight and Of Mice and Men. With the exception of Twilight and The Hunger Games most of the books I've read in the list were in either Middle School and High School and can understand why they would be challenged books. For example I read To Kill a Mockingbird in Middle School and can understand how some parents may feel or think they're child is nor ready to comprehend the content of the book because the story line is racial and has some explicit language. I personally think that it's important for students to learn about stories like that of To Kill a Mockingbird because it provides them with different life perspectives. I also think parents have the right to withhold permission if they feel their child is not ready for the content but should not blanket this to all students. Some of the books in my bookshelves include The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Between the World and Me, Socrates in Love and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. These books tell people that I'm interested in self improvement and learning about diverse perspectives in understanding minorities as well reality.

Over the years I tend to read Time magazine, Latina and Rolling Stone because they tend to address my main areas of interests if not what I identify with. I'm a latina that loves music and likes to keep updated with world news hence why I'm drawn to these three magazines. Time's addresses a lot of what's happening in the world and provides in depth articles examining world news as well as gets me as a reader thinking critically about issues and solutions. A good example of this is a recent issue where the magazine addressed the importance of the new Supreme Court Nominee and the impact the appointment would have for years to come. I read latina to get recipes, style tips, latin music reviews and news and articles that relates to me as a latina like the current status and plans for the DREAM act. Lastly, I read Rolling Stone to keep updated with new music and artist projects. I've come across some of my favorite artists by reading Rolling Stone magazines like up and coming R & B artists SZA. From what I can recall some of the products and services featured in these magazines were for hair products (latina) and Apple products like iPhone X and Music (both in Time and Rolling Stone). As a consumer it makes sense that these products would be targeted to me because latina has style tips and as a reader it assumes I like to take care of how I look including my hair. And as a person that enjoys keeping up to date with news and music both Rolling Stone and Time help market Apple products that may feed News via articles and Podcasts, same for Music with Apple Music.


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