After seeing the documentary "RiP! A Remix Manifesto," the most interesting take away as it relates the freedom of expression is how limiting freedom of expression can be if you are using other peoples ideas to express yourself. It was interesting to see how Girl Talk was considered a criminal for using copy written content to express his art. As it was said in the video, there are no limits to art or expression so why is it that copyrights exist? I'm not an artistic person so I can't relate on a personal level with Girl Talk about the way he chooses to express himself through mash ups but I certainly understand it. My go to way of expression is through writing and even in this form I have a way to sort of by pass any violation of laws if I choose to use another writers words by siting my sources and giving credit where it's due. I think other forms of media like music should follow this sort of philosophy with out the monetary and legal restrictions they place on the use of copyright content. The most concerning thing about copyright limits and creativity is how much it derails us from benefits that may make the world a better place. A good example of this is medical cures and treatments. I don't think it's right that a pharmaceutical company may be holding certain rights on a particular ideas and that because of that treatment for a disease is not created or produced. I think it's almost criminal for people to sit on an idea and not follow through with it for monetary purposes while people die instead of sharing and collaborating. One of the most interesting cases and debates about freedom of speech in recent time has been that of Colin Kaepernick and his right to protest by sitting and kneeling during the national anthem at NFL games. I think there were a lot of politicians that did not listen to Colin Kaepernick's intent and the media also played a part in sort of scandalizing his actions as opposed to opening dialogue about the issue he was trying to place a spot light on. In essence I believe the social issue he was trying to voice should have been taken seriously as opposed to his actions being scandalized. 

I think the actions of WikiLeaks are good because as Julian Assange mentions, there are people in power that make decisions for us and who keeps them honest? How do we ensure the public is not getting white lies or partial truths? I think WikiLeaks is used to ensure governments are transparent and for them to not use their political power to do or hide inhumane, unjust acts. For example the video leaked in April 2010 of a helicopter firing on a crowd of both armed and unarmed people in Baghdad in which 18 people were killed including 2 reporters from Reuters news agency shows true transparency. Would this video have been released if it wasn't for WikiLeaks? I think this was an important release because it gives the not only America but also the world, a clear view of what war is really like and the lives it truly costs. There should not be any limits to the publics right of free speech, access to information, expression or creativity, or else how can we truly call ourselves the land of the free? I think a lot of these restrictions such as copyright rules and FCC rules on net neutrality place an asterisk on our freedom because in essence our choices aren't purely ours, they are made for us and that is not what democracy is about. 


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