Newspapers & Fake News

A few years ago I switched from cable to only using streaming services Hulu & Netflix and this affected how I would stay informed about current events. At the time I substituted Facebook to keep updated with local news and would stream CNN on my Apple TV for national and international news. Since then I no longer use Facebook so now I rely on word of mount to get local news. I would say that local news are not too important in my daily life because they aren't really spoken about. The last time my friends shared local news with me was about the OSU security threat earlier this year and the Salem water issue all to which I researched online to assure the information being reiterated to me was correct. I don't subscribe to any online news sources and would not be willing to pay because I think it's an unnecessary bill. The information being shared via subscription can most likely be found in taking 5 minutes of proactivity whether it's local, national or international news. On a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being "most informed") I believe I'm at 5 being most informed when it comes to current events because it's a habit of mine to watch the news on a daily basis when I get home from work or school. I enjoy being up to date on what is happening in the world and listening to different perspectives. One of the events being discussed now in the news is the trial of Paul Manifort and how his trial and verdict in the case may effect the Mueller investigation as well as how the White House national security team has stated Russia is still targeting U.S. elections. sadly I don't keep updated with movies unless I'm in the mood to go to the theater and I use the ESPN app to keep updated with sports. Still can't get over LeBron James being a Laker. I think it's important to be well informed about what's happing in the world because it provides a greater channel to communicate and relate to people as well as listen to perspectives other than our own. 

  • When President Trump labels particular news stories or companies as fake news I think that he is being biased because when he says such statements he does not site any facts or sources to discredit a story or news company. I think if he is going to voice and make statements that tarnish a piece of news or a news organization he should provide proof just like media has to when they deliver such news. It actually makes his statements about "fake news" sort of hypocritical in my point of view, a good example of this was the Presidential inauguration and how he called certain media outlets fake news for showing images of less people being at his inauguration than previous Presidents. We never say any pictures to show the contrary and none were produced by him or his party. I think he is definitely doing the American public a disservice and harming democracy because he is using a tool like journalism that is woven in to our constitution to drive his narrative and agenda further confusing and dividing the country. America use to view journalism as a profession of truth and I think at this point in that has been tainted by calling certain news and media "fake news". I believed we should question everything for the sake of truth and transparency but when it used as a mind game tool that's when I think it weakens our democracy because no one trusts each other anymore and we can't tell who is tell the truth. 


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